INSAN MANDIRI : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat prioritizes the quality of articles in each publication. The quality of the article is determined by the quality of content, opening insight, giving the right solution in solving community problems by the expertise of the writers, inspiring the reader, showing the writing skills by the scientific rules of Indonesian and English, and not containing plagiarism. To maintain this quality, all parties, namely managers, editors, reviewers, and writers, are involved in the publication process (Based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)  

Manager Ethics

1. Maintain the confidentiality of writers, editors, and sustainable partners.

2. Maintain the comfort of working editors and sustainable partners.

3. Establish provisions for intellectual property rights (specifical copyright).

4. Establish and comply with the writing guidelines and publishing process.

5. Build networks with other educational institutions and related institutions.

6. Promote journals to the scientific community globally.

7. Ensure the availability of funds for the sustainability of the journal.

8. Ensure easy access to journals to writers and readers.

9. Understand the ethics of publication above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties to ensure the smoothness and security of publishing.

Author Ethics

1. Use original data, not engineering.     

2. Ensure that the article sent is in the style of the journal.
3. Ensure that the names listed in the article are true authors who contribute to the substance and writing aspects (not shadow writers).
4. Ensure that the author member, if more than one person, has agreed to the final version of the article and agrees to be published.
5. Appoint one author as the corresponding author if the author is more than one person.

6. Knowing that the person responsible for the article is the correspondence author so that if there is a problem in the publishing process, it can be immediately handled by the correspondence author.

7. Monitor the process of publishing articles through an open journal system (OJS).

8. Revise articles that have been reviewed by sustainable partners no later than three weeks.

9. Make an originality statement that the article sent is the original work of the author, not a copy of the work or idea of ​​another person, has never been published, and is not in the process of being submitted to another journal. In this case, the author uses a form that has been provided online.

10. Do not publish data either in part or in whole from the article sent.

11. There is no conflict of interest with any party.

12. Understand the ethics of publication above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties to ensure the smoothness and security of publishing.

Editor Ethics

1. Implement the publishing process to ensure the quality of journal publications.

2. Responsible for published articles.

3. Ensure that the article review process from the sustainable partner is objective, transparent, fair, and wise so that it is appropriate in making feasibility decisions for publishing articles.

4. Responsible for the compliance of the writer in following the journal style, including the use of language styles.

5. Receive input or opinions from writers, peer-reviewers, advisory editors, and manager to improve the quality of the journal.

6. Ensure that all information contained in the journal website is clear and easily accessible and understood.

7. Not informing anything related to articles received to other parties, except to correspondence writers, peer-reviewers, and managers.

8. Maintain the confidentiality of information relating to writers and peer-reviewers.

9. Establish open communication with writers and peer-reviewers.

10. Ensure articles are sent to competent sustainable partners.

11. Evaluate articles in terms of the content without considering the writer's race, gender, gender, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.

12. Maintain objectivity and neutrality in selecting and editing articles without discrimination of gender, the origin of institution, religion, race, and nationality of the writer.

13. Understand the ethics of publication above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties to ensure the smoothness and security of publishing.

Reviewer Ethics

1. Having competence suitable for the field of science in the field of community service.

2. Having writing experience in national and international journals.

3. Work professionally and responsibly.

4. Responsible for the content of scientific articles.

5. Assist the editor in making article feasibility decisions.

6. Helping writers improve the quality of articles.

7. Inform the editor frankly if you feel that the article to be reviewed is not suitable for the qualifications and can appoint other peer-reviewers who are more appropriate.

8. Fill out the article evaluation form provided.

9. Provide advice and input, positive and constructive recommendations to the writer.

10. Analyzing articles objectively, honestly, independently, siding solely on scientific truth.

11. Maintain the confidentiality of the articles studied, not open to discussing with other parties.

12. Submitting the results of the review to the editor within the stipulated time not later than five weeks after the sending through the open journal system (OJS).

13. If a peer reviewer requires an extension of the review time or cannot continue its role as a peer-reviewers for one reason or another, a sustainable partner must communicate it to the editor.

14. Ensure the privacy of the writer by not disseminating the results of the review.

15. Ensure that the reference source used by the writer is appropriate and can be accounted for.

16. Do not use articles reviewed for personal needs without the writer's permission.

17. Notify if there are similarities in the substance of the article with the article that has been published.

18. Understand the ethics of publication above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties to ensure the smoothness and security of publishing.